Solstice Reflections: Jo-Anne Guimond
Monday, December 5, 2011 at 11:51AM
Steph in Solstice Reflections 2011, Winter Solstice

Solstice Reflections 2011 is an online gathering of reflections by seven lovely women on the spirit of winter and the migration from darkness to light. My hope is that this may offer you a momentary respite from a sometimes hectic season, allowing you to sit with your own reflections as you enter your personal winter. Click here for all posts to date.


I am thrilled to be included in this virtual gathering and humbled to be in the company of these wonderful women…

  the winter solstice.

an invitation

to cross the threshold from Darkness

to Light.


the winter solstice.

reminding us

that the potential lies within each of us

that the creative power

flows out of the Silence and the Darkness

leading us to a place of Joy and Peace.


the winter solstice.

an invitation to trust the Darkness

while readying ourselves

to be the Light.




JO-ANNE GUIMOND (a.k.a. jag) has lived in Ottawa for over 25 years.  Originally from New Brunswick, she often relies on her camera to help her take a step back from the busy-ness of Life and provide her with the simple focus of her Acadian roots.  An amateur photographer through n’ through, she strives to see the extra in the ordinary and is especially drawn to the integration of words & image and, what she calls, “messages from the Universe”.  Jo-Anne has recently challenged herself by embarking on a 365 photo journey and – although she has come close to quitting more than once – she is bound & determined to make it to the finish line! You can see the path she had travelled thus far at journey 365:: 2011.

Article originally appeared on Creative Living Experiment (
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