5-Day Challenge + An Invitation
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 at 01:47PM
Steph in 5-day challenge, Painting

I've neglected painting for too long.


It's time for me to get back to the table and the best way for me to do that is to issue myself a 5-Day Challenge during which I pledge to show up at the art table and paint, five days in a row. Yesterday was Day 1:

5-Day Challenge Feb. 2012 - Day 1

5-Day Challenge Feb. 2012 - Day 1 results

work in progress, 9"x12" on cardboard


Join me.

Whatever your medium - film, words, melody, paint, clay, digital media - it doesn't matter. Your "art table" might be your computer screen or your dark room; mine involves paint and brushes.

It also doesn't matter how long you spend at the table; fifteen minutes spent processing photos or crafting a blog post is better than none at all. Defeating resistance by showing up five days in a row is the goal.

And remember, it's about practice and play - no perfection necessary.

I've done this a few times before and each time I'm amazed at how much easier it gets to show up after only five days and how much progress I make without even intending to!

Have I convinced you yet?

You can do this. Leave me your pledge in the comments.

You know you wanna.

Article originally appeared on Creative Living Experiment (http://www.creativelivingexperiment.com/).
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