5-Day Challenge: Day 2 Results
Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 07:35AM
Steph in 5-day challenge, Painting

In the interest of keeping myself accountable during this 5-Day Challenge I'm laying it all out here folks - the good, the bad and the downright ugly. Be gentle, 'k?

Day 2: I started with a work in progress that had been parked on the shelf since April 2011 (apologies for the bad lighting, but you'll get the gist)...

5-Day Challenge Feb. 2012 - Day 2a

5-Day Challenge Day 2 starting point

... that evolved into this, still a work in progress:

5-Day Challenge Feb. 2012 - Day 2c(1361)

5-Day Challenge Day 2 results

work in progress 8"x16" on canvas

It's similar in style to a piece I completed during my last 5-Day Challenge; I look forward to seeing where it'll go from here.

Back soon with Day 3...


It's not too late to join in. I'm telling you, it feels good!

Article originally appeared on Creative Living Experiment (http://www.creativelivingexperiment.com/).
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