
(photo by jag)

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    Hidden Gardens of Paris: A Guide to the Parks, Squares, and Woodlands of the City of Light
« And the winner is... | Main | 5 Years Blogging - A Retrospective: 2009 »

A Celebratory Giveaway!

OK, so I'm feeling all what-if-I-have-a-party-and-nobody-comes (read: what-if-I-have-a-giveaway-and-nobody-comments), but dagnabbit it's my bloggiversary and I'm having a Giveaway!

Call it a celebration of my still being here after five years and a token of appreciation for your being here with me.

The prize? A 12x12 (10x10 print with a 1" white border all around) of Giselle:

(The print itself has more of the blue & yellow background showing on either side of her hair, this is a  cropped picture.)

Giselle is very special to me, she's my first face painted from scratch - evah. Her wild red hair and the borderline crazy don't-mess-with-me look in her eyes speak to me so. I think the eyes creep D. out a little bit, but she's got EDGE baby! I'VE got edge and so do YOU!

So here's the scoop:

Leave a comment on this post by end of day Friday, January 28th and I will add your name to the pot. When I wake up Saturday I'll print out the comments, put them in a bowl and ask D. to pick one (if Cassie had opposable thumbs I'd ask her). I"ll announce the winner here, he or she can send me a note through the blog's Contact page and we'll go from there. Easy peasy!

I hope you win!

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Reader Comments (15)

i LOVE giselle!! love love love ... and i love you!! happy blogiversary!! :-)

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdarlene

Happy 5th Blogaversay! I love Giselle also!!!
Karen (squammie)

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren D


January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKat

Love being here with you! Honored, in fact:) Happy Anniversary, my dear!

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLiz C.

Hello! I come your way via Darlene... Happy Bloggiversary! Giselle is a beauty! I have been contemplating a giveaway, but felt as you did - what I sit around all by myself with my party hat turning into a dunce cap! blah!

Cheers to you and your blog!


January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPixieDust

Are family members eligible?? If so, woohoo!! If not, s'ok. I'll get over it. :-)

Happy Blogiversary!!! You ROCK Sistah...
Love you!

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjag

Happy Anniversary, Creative Living Experiment!

I know I am not the most frequent visitor, but I am happy you are here, blossoming and thriving!

Congratulations, creative girl! x x

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjin

I'm in! Love you and your blogiversary!

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertingle

Happy 5th Blogaversay!

January 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersonyamacdesigns

Congratulations on five years of blogging! Wow, that is some achievement. It must be fascinating to look back to your first post and the ones in between, and see how your space has grown with you. Love this painting, so vibrant and juicy

January 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbeth

I love watching you grow through your blog.... Happy blogiversary and keep them coming!!!
I can see Giselle framed and hanging on my wall already :-) She`s simply beautiful.

January 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSylvia C.

Love your painting!!! Congrats on the 5 years that is wonderful!

January 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDayle Micoff

I just found you via Blue Poppy, and I'm so glad that I did! 'Giselle' is wildly beautiful, I especially love the color and texture, and the heart that I see near the left-corner (I'm always heart-spotting). I have the perfect spot for this wonderful, delightful work of art.

January 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLC

I would love to win the beautiful Giselle. She's my kinda gal ! Especially love her hair!

January 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLoisT

Not sure if I can win but Ive been around for most of those 5 years and commented from the very beginning. While I don't comment much anymore it's only because I am lucky enough to share RL with you.

Happy blogging 5th!

Love D

January 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterD

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