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Weekend Poetry Date

"At the most important moments, when everyone else is silent, poetry rises to speak."

~ Ralph Fletcher, Poetry Matters

A friend issued a challenge to a group of us to observe National Poetry Month, not necessarily by writing poetry every day (though we're certainly free to do so!), but by bringing it to the forefront for the 30 days of April.

I thought I'd use my blog as a place to explore and share some findings.

I'm not familiar with poetry at all. I know nothing of its technicalities, rules or structures, I've no favourite poem, and a lot of older poetry I just don't get.

But some of the newer stuff I do.

Here's one I received from a dear friend to kick off the month (thank you K.). It made me weep.

The Word by Tony Hoagland


Down near the bottom

of the crossed-out list

of things you have to do today,


between "green thread"

and "broccoli" you find

that you have penciled "sunlight."


Resting on the page, the word

is as beautiful, it touches you

as if you had a friend


and sunlight were a present

he had sent you from some place distant

as this morning —to cheer you up,


and to remind you that,

among your duties, pleasure

is a thing,


that also needs accomplishing

Do you remember?

that time and light are kinds


of love, and love

is no less practical

than a coffee grinder


or a safe spare tire?

Tomorrow you may be utterly

without a clue


but today you get a telegram,

from the heart in exile

proclaiming that the kingdom


still exists,

the king and queen alive,

still speaking to their children,


—to any one among them

who can find the time,

to sit out in the sun and listen.



I hope to touch on poetry here at least every weekend, maybe more if the mood strikes.

I may share more poems, some of my own writings or maybe some interesting resources I find for the uninitiated, like me.

I hope you'll join me.


Do you have a favourite poem or poet? I'd love to get some suggested readings!

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Reader Comments (6)

Well well well, you've asked the right question! I love Tony Hoagland, also in no particular order:
Dorianne Laux, Marge Piercy, Mary Oliver, Billy Collins, Lucille Clifton, Stanley Kunitz, Kay Ryan, Rita Dove, Sharon Olds, BJ Ward. Of course, Maya Stein and my partner in crime, Allison Tyler. Oh my god, I could go on and on. Link to the Dodge Poetry Festival (now held right here in my backyard in Newark, NJ--amazing experience to hear the greats read out loud, check out the archives where you can see/hear them for yourself). Read them all and more, and try your hand at writing some. It's fun!

April 9, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertingle

One of my favorites, Sharon Olds, reading a hilarious heartbreaking poem. I heard her read it two years ago and wept with how amazing a poem could be about something so unbelievable and strikingly bizarre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPF_yj22wZU&feature=related

April 9, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertingle

YAY Tingle! Thank you. I knew you'd be all over that. :) xo

April 9, 2012 | Registered CommenterSteph

Oh Steph, this WAS a beautiful poem. Funny how words on a page (or in this case, on a monitor) can stir us inside...
Maybe i'll feel brave enough to join you on your "poetry every weekend" bit and try the same.
Have a great week! xoxo

April 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPauline Leger

@ Pauline - I'm so glad you enjoyed Mr Hoagland's words, and YES, please do join me! :)

April 10, 2012 | Registered CommenterSteph

Superbe Stéphanie!

C'est incroyable comment ça vient nous chercher! Je te partagerai un poème vendredi d'une amie qui aime bien et en écrit.


April 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLvO

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