Happy 2013!
From Solstice to New Year, happy wishes to you!
My heart is swelling with possibility and my head swirling with ideas and projects for the year to come. Words dance a million, and gratitude expands as I reflect on the year past.
2012 was rich, rich, rich. Blissful, heartbreaking, enlightening, it was full.
2013 promises to be just as rich, with a trip to Paris and London on the horizon (oh yeah!), plans to find a house we can call our own, and the gentle beauty that comes with every day living.
I've many blog posts forming themselves as I type, but none ready quite yet. For now, following the rhythm of the recent holidays, I am allowing the space for words to come together, slowly.
In the meantime, I wish you a 2013 filled with all that makes your heart sing, and leave you with a few favourite snapshots that capture the holidays at their best...
candlelight, early Solstice morn
a Solstice breakfast outing at our favourite diner
it was storming outside, but perfectly cozy inside
Cassie, resting up before the clan joins us for Christmas dinner the next day
the holiday table, ready for feast and clan
(note Cindy Lou Who at the piano!)
I went back to the art table for the first time in two months. It felt good.
D. and I spent a quiet New Year's Eve with a sumptuous meal for two.
I wish you could smell the beefy, red wine, shalloty goodness that was simmering.
The highlight of my holidays, no doubt: the gift of a trip to Paris, from D.
It's a dream come true.
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