
(photo by jag)

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  • The Art of the Book Proposal
    The Art of the Book Proposal
  • Rick Steves' London 2013
    Rick Steves' London 2013
  • Hidden Gardens of Paris: A Guide to the Parks, Squares, and Woodlands of the City of Light
    Hidden Gardens of Paris: A Guide to the Parks, Squares, and Woodlands of the City of Light

Entries in Home (3)


Homage to Rosie, our 38 year-old Electrolux

It's the end of era. Rosie, the 38 year-old Electrolux vacuum I inherited from my grandfather, is no longer with us.

Questionable rumbling and grinding of the engine meant it was time to trade her in for a glossy new model. Her 1970's tan wheels will roam the halls no more, she's sucked up her last dustbunny.

After 38 years of service I think she deserves an homage...

sporting her brand new hose, the one we bought about a month ago (sigh)

the dial, I never knew what it did

another shot with the new hose

Wouldn't you love an area rug that colour? I so would.

she was even made in Canada

They just don't make 'em like you anymore Rosie. Well done my dear, well done.


Between Rhythms (Back from Squam Art Workshops)

morning view from Brae Cove porch, Squam Art Workshops 2011

I'm back from Squam Art Workshops and taking my time returning to my normal day’s rhythm - a rhythm that doesn’t include loons on the lake, sitting under the moon on the dock or busting a gut laughing by the fire with eleven other women.

The normal day’s rhythm includes sleeping in my own bed, movies on the couch with D. and re-sinking into the warmth of home.

They’re different rhythms and it’s important to allow in-between time. It makes for a gentler transition.


Summer Living

a shady corner perfect for chillin' on a hot summer day

It's been a while hasn't it? It's summer, and seems I've been out enjoying it!

Whether out Jazzfesting, Bluesfesting or right here just plain doing nothing it's been great.

We've been spiffing up our little urban yard, creating a cozy space to be. We loaded up on easy no-cook summer food, refreshments and unplanned time. All is good.

Here's to summer vacay!